Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This Mistress Pin Collection (1988)

Recently unearthed, the This Mistress Pin Collection is a must have accessory for any leather wearing rocker. Tighten your ammo belt, strap on your spikes, and pin on the "baddest" looking pin set you've ever seen!

The top pin features the early '88 6 piece incarnation of This Mistress. Shot at Long Pine Run Dam, this line up included (from L to R) Tim Harrell - Drums, Kevin "Bart the Fart" Wilson - Guitar, Matt "Scrap Pap" Skirpan - Guitar, Matt Norcross - Bass, Brad Shaeffer - Vocals, and Scott McConnell - Synthesizer.

Order your pin set today!

P.S. In case your wondering, this pin set is not for sale and is literally the "baddest" (as in NOT good) pin set I've ever seen.