Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Love Pudding

I always hated pudding until today. It took me 40 yrs to find a flavor I love.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thrift Store Obomatic

You know your band has really made it big whenever you start finding your CDs in bins at thrift stores. LOL! Kim (Scott) Hepfer came across Obomatic - Holy Uncontrollio!!! (pictured above) today while she was browsing at the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter Thrift Store in Chambersburg, PA.

To prove it wasn't her copy of the CD, Kim sent me a photo (pictured below) of her copy along with the thrift store one that she so kindly purchased for $1.

Which other fans are willing to send me a photo of them holding their Obomatic CD? Post or e-mail me ( your photo and you'll receive a ***FREE*** autographed 11" x 17" poster of the band. Act soon, this offer ends 10/31/10.

Kim, your poster is on the way!!!