Wednesday, December 30, 2020

New Imbued Vagary 6 CD Collection Coming Soon

Scheduled for release in early 2021 is a 6 CD collection of new music from Imbued Vagary.  Clocking in with over 6 1/2 hours of electronic experiments, it features 2 new installments in the Captured Moments series, 2 new installments in the Noise series, 1 new installment in the Live series, and a release titled, Wheels of Steel.

Artwork has been completed.  Mastering is in progress at DSBP Records with Tommy T Rapisardi.  Stay tuned for further release details.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Noise 3 Cover Art and Track Listing

Here is the cover art and track listing for the upcoming 2021 Imbued Vagary release, Noise 3...

Digital Divide 11:26
Machine Collusion 17:04

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Captured Moments 3 Cover Art and Track Listing

Here is the cover art and track listing for the upcoming 2021 Imbued Vagary release, Captured Moments 3...

Metropolitan Pass 5:06
Clarity 9:04
Smearing Time 4:00
Home Dose 6:04
Gravity Well 7:52
Airto 3:38
Dismember Myself 6:22
Out of Nowhere 1:46
Cosmic Beam 7:00
Blue 47 7:50
Departure 13:18