Friday, December 7, 2012

FFS Synth Jam 2012 - The Sprawling TR-2

In our second foray into the electronic plasma pool during FFS Synth Jam 2012 on 11/24/12 came this sprawling 16+ minute audio sculpture titled TR-2.  It has been said that we like to do things "over and over, again and again".  This track exemplifies that to the fullest.  Oh well, it was fun and we weren't ready to stop!

The ensemble for this track included Tim Harrell (aka LTJTHC) - electronic drums, Dave Chandler (aka Thee Sub One Genius) - rhythmic architectures and synthetics, Matt Norcross (aka Ttam Troll) - synthesizers, Stephen Saputelli (aka Steve O Klock) - synthesizers, and, at about the 10 minute mark, M Scott McConnell (aka MC2P4) - synthesizers joins us.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Imbued Vagary Live at SHAPE Gallery

After taking the stage at the SHAPE Solstice Arts Festival, Imbued Vagary invaded the gallery scene with a performance at SHAPE Gallery's 10th Annual Abstract Exhibit opening reception in Shippensburg, PA on 09.07.12. The band line up for this performance included Ttam Troll - Synthesizers, MC2P4 - Synthesizers, and Thee Sub One Genius - Beat Architecture and Synthesizers.

This raw, unedited live excerpt is titled LV-1.