Saturday, June 20, 2009

The (Tropical) Treat

I took the weekend off from working on the new FFS and returned to my childhood home in Shippensburg PA to visit my parents.  Like all returning spawn of Shippensburg, I had to visit The Treat or, as it was called in my day, The Tropical Treat.  Of course, it did not disappoint.

The (Tropical) Treat has been the backdrop of many tales from my youth.  "The Blockbuster Incident" comes to mind.  To protect those involved, I won't name names nor give the back story but I'll just say that those 5 Blockbusters (fried (real) ham, lettuce, tomato, mayo, on a hamburger roll) sure must have tasted real good.  The rest of us looked on in awe (and hungry).

Friday, June 19, 2009

FFS teams up with Medicine Show Cinema

It didn't take long to get our first job at the new studio. We have been asked to score a scene for the upcoming Calabi-Yau LLC film called Cleric which will be distributed by Medicine Show Cinema.  We previously worked with Red Scream Films LLC (horror arm of Medicine Show Cinema) on FrightWorld and we're happy to be working with them again.

Now, which case was the Minimoog Voyager packed in?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Even dogs work during FFS move

After a long day of moving boxes to the new FFS, Miranda had to lay down on her "fluffy" for a little R&R. She was so tired that her tongue was sticking out.

Sofas & Love Seats...Oh My!

For those who lived, recorded, or simply visited the old FFS, you know that it's been more than 15 years since a sofa or "comfortable" chair has been in the studio.  They were removed long ago to make room for more equipment.  You'll be happy to see that the new FFS has comfortable furniture to relax on when you visit.  There's even a sofa in the studio bunker (not pictured) courtesy of Scott, Jackey, & Miranda.  The new FFS is still a work in progress but it's getting there.

Floating Fish Studios Exterior

Here's an exterior shot of the new Floating Fish Studios.  This was taken right from the real estate listing.  Don't fear, it is still "Located within the shadows of the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant".

*BEFORE* Floating Fish Studios

In a land before time (Summer 1988) and before the construction of Floating Fish Studios, a small band of musicians formed The Secret Society.

During one extremely hot summer (with no air conditioning), The Secret Society gathered at Horse & Buggy Highway Studios in Shippensburg PA. Aptly named for the Amish who would frequently gallop by in front of the studio. While packing the contents of Floating Fish Studios (Sunrise Lane), I came across some gems from the past. Here's a tasty morsel called "Progressions" which was recorded live to a Fostex X-15 cassette 4-track by M Scott McConnell (Synthesizers), Matt Norcross (Bass), Tim Harrell ("Live" Drum Machine), Ken Chandler (Vocals), and special guest (and birthday boy), Kevin Wilson (Guitar). This was part of a cassette called "Happy Birthday Bart".


The *OLD* Floating Fish Studios

A parting shot of the final rev of Floating Fish Studios (Sunrise Lane) before the tear down commenced on 04/16/09. This one angle doesn't do it justice but I'll post more shots soon.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The *NEW* Floating Fish Studios

After 19 years, Floating Fish Studios is moving.  The Bunker has been built and the machines are being reassembled.  Keep checking back to this blog for the latest info on the move.