Saturday, February 7, 2015

Let the Noise Flow

Floating Fish Studios held its first Synth Jam Session of 2014 at FFS II on 04/11/14.  With a concentration on Noise, the ensemble gathered included Matt Norcross (aka Ttam Troll) and M Scott McConnell (aka MC2P4).

MC2P4 sends the output of his original Korg MS-10 through an arsenal of Korg Monotron synths and pedal effects to create a whirling dervish of sound while Ttam Troll manipulates the control panel of a Moog Little Phatty to add even more sonic aggression.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Final Obomatic Show

This photo taken at the Music Mania Studio 1 Festival on 05/17/03 documents the final Obomatic show. Pictured are (from left to right) Scottologic - Synthesizers, Steve O - Vocals, and Troll IO - Synthesizers.  Missing from the photo is Miller High Life - Guitar.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Remembering Miranda

Today would have been my littlest friend's 23rd birthday. Though she plays at Rainbow Bridge now, I know she'd still love to hear me sing her favorite little song...

It's February number two
Happy Birthday from me to you
Happy Birthday, Miranda!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Prancing Merrily

With the recent loss of Edgar Froese, founding member of the band Tangerine Dream and an electronic music pioneer whom passed away after suffering a pulmonary embolism on January 20th, I’ve been going back through our catalog and rediscovering song ideas that are heavily influenced by his work.

Here’s a song idea from 1990 that was created at Der Palast des Goldes.  Another which was recorded under the Any Questions? moniker but resembles more of an Imbued Vagary styling.  If I didn’t know better, I’d think this was from an early ‘80s era Froese, Franke, Schmoelling line up Tangerine Dream release.  

MC2P4 takes the reigns of our Korg DW-8000 and wails over top of the driving Ttam Troll music sequence which percolates underneath.  It might be a tad long but, hey, Any Questions? is known for doing things over and over, again and again.

P.S.  This photo was taken on 11/24/90 at the very first Any Questions? live performance.