FiConnellNorc (aka Norcon Ficross, Norc Norc Fibercon, and other humorous derivations) consisted of Larry Lee Fiber - Vocals, Synthesizers, & Programming, M Scott McConnell - Vocals & Synthesizers, and Matt Norcross - Bass, Synthesizers, & Programming. Though we had "jammed" together countless times since the infamous Fiber Family NYC Music Store Trip of 1985, there had never been any recordings of this line up to survive until one early Spring weekend in 1990.
Larry Lee (founder of Los Angeles club scene band Fashion Risk) was back from LA to visit his family in New York when he decided to make a little detour South to visit Scott and I at Der Palast des Goldes for a weekend session of improvisational recordings. These recordings have since become known as the We Are Glass Sessions (for obvious reasons to those involved).
Larry Lee arrived early Saturday morning but we were unable to begin recording right away. Our equipment was installed at P&G Studios where Scott and I had been demoing our (Any Questions?) latest ideas. P&G Studios was inadequate for our session so we tore down that set up and rebuilt it, in record time, back at Der Palast des Goldes. We were up and running by noon.
The sessions spawned several classic improvisational recordings including this ultra rare track called We Are Glass. This is the only recording of this line up to feature Larry Lee singing and, even though the lyrics and melody are completely improvised, they help to showcase a "what could have been" moment for the band. In addition to Larry Lee singing and playing synths, Scott is laying down the foundation for the song with his synth playing while I contribute lead electric bass (and constant soloing) for the whole 5:35 of the song.
I hope you enjoy this ultra rare classic track from the FFS Vaults. Here is FiConnellNorc - We Are Glass...