Saturday night, Scott (aka MC2P4) and I went to the Barto Hotel to see Tim (aka LTJTHC) and Chad play a gig with their band, 9919. What started out as an innocent evening of fun quickly turned ugly.
The place turned out to be a biker bar. As we arrived, I jokingly commented that it wasn't going to be a good scene and, unfortunately, my premonition turned out to be true. While hanging around the bar, I was talking with Scott, Tim, and Chad. Tim and Chad left so they could begin their second set and Scott and I continued to talk.
At this time, Scott noticed an arcade game in one corner of the bar and started to look over in that direction trying to see what it was. While he was doing this, he apparently caught the eye of a Pagan biker who thought he was staring at him. Unbeknownst to me that this occurred, I left to go check out the band while Scott walked over to see what the arcade game was.
What transpired after our split is a bit foggy. A confrontation between MC2P4 and the Pagan biker ensued. Luckily, MC2P4 escaped without harm but, needless to say, it's a night he won't soon forget.
Actually it was the Pagan Bikers associate that was being lame, the Pagan was cool. He prevented any personal damage!
I'm pretty sure that both of them were Pagans.
Yes, 9919 always plays for such a passionate crowd of people!
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