Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The sessions for our 1992 release, Any Questions? - Prey For Death, produced many song ideas which were never fully developed. Terminal was one such idea. With it's up tempo, driving beat, it was quite different than the other tracks which ended up on the original, official product. It's sound is really more reminiscent of the style we'd explore on our follow up effort, Any Questions? - Death.

When I was compiling tracks in the Fall of 2001 for the 10th Anniversary Special Edition CD release of Any Questions? - Prey For Death, it seemed like the perfect time to revisit this once cast aside song idea and include it as a bonus track.

There wasn't much to do to bring this song to life and complete it. All of the musical elements are exactly as they were back in '92. I had the MIDI data and all of the original sounds sources so I loaded up the song and recorded it onto our 24-track ADAT system. From there, we did have to come up with lyrics for it. The original song idea had never evolved to that point so MC2P4 penned a rough draft of the lyrics from which I then added to and refined to fit my vocal style. The result is what I share with you now. Enjoy!

P.S. The photo was shot in March, 1992 at Floating Fish Studios during an Any Questions? - Prey For Death recording session. MC2P4 (left) is looking for samples to load while Ttam Troll (right) triggers a sample on an Ensoniq EPS as he controls the Atari 1040STe/Cubase system. It must also be noted that Ttam Troll is sporting some very nifty '80s glasses!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool the old days baby! Nice track!